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Puppies due June 4, 2019 Request puppy application at or call Diane Young, DVM at 405-844-5489 Update: 6/3/2019Puppies are here. 5 girls and 2 boys.
Sana’s Imagine Greatness In The Woods
call name is Grady Sire is Barron Dam is Lily
Sana’s Imagine Real Money In The Woods
“Macy” Sire: Barron Dam: Lily
CH. Sana’s Imagine Incredible In The Woods “Indy”
Sire: CH. Images In The Woods of Reddawg Dam: CH. Sana’s Tiger Lily In the Woods
Mystic Isle’s Bona Fide Ridgeback In The Woods “Bonnie”
Sire: CH. County Line Black Tie Affair Dam: DC Mystic Isle’s Norther Light, MC (Her sire was CH. Tiger In The Woods) News Flash: Puppies due end of August
CH. Images In The woods of Reddawg “Barron”
Sir: CH. Sana’s Red Dawg of Wyndrunhr Dam: CH. Mkuzi Serval In The Woods Chic #62029, DM Normal Barron is available for stud to approved bitches
James Coburn In The Woods “Coburn”
Tiger X Serval
CH. Double Eagle In The Woods “Dax”
Tiger X Serval Resv. Winners Dog at the World Congress Cluster of shows.
CH. Triple Bogey In The Woods “Bogey”
CH. Blue Bayou In The Woods “Blue”
Lazer X Cheetah
Magnolia, CGC In The Woods
Sire: CH. Wyndrunhr’s Lazer’s Edge Dam: CH. Mkuzi Cheetah In The Woods Best of Winners at the Trinity Valley Regional Speciality
CH. Saber In The Woods “Saber”
Tux X Cheetah
CH. Hunter In The Woods “Hunter”
Tux X Cheetah
CH. Tiger In the Woods “Tiger”
2000-2011 Sire: Am/Can. CH. County Line’s Black Tie Affair, CGC Dam: CH Cheetah In The Woods
Am/Can. CH. County Line’s Black Tie Affair, CGC “Tux”
Sire of our first litter in 2000
CH. Sana’s Tiger Lily In The Woods “Lily”
2005-2013 Sire: CH. Tiger In The Woods Dam: DC Wyndrunhr Flight of Fancy SC C0-owner: Victoria Lindsay Top20 Ridgeback 2009 Top 10 Bitch 2008 and 2009 Group Winning and Multiple Group Placer
CH. Mkuzi Serval In The Woods “Serval”
1999-2011 Serval was our second foundation bitch. She was a full sister to Cheetah, but different litter.
CH. Mkuzi Cheetah In The Woods “Cheetah”
1997-2011 Sire: CH. Mkuzi Kubua Kijana, JC Dam: CH. Mkuzi So Be It, JC “Cheetah” was our first foundation bitch. She started “In The Woods Ridgebacks”
CH. Mkuzi So Be It, JC “Joy”
The Mkuzi line was the foundation of our kennel.
CH. Mkuzi Kubua Kijana, JC “Kubi”
The Mkuzi line was the foundation of our kennel.